“Pujiang Innovation Forum —— 2017 International Science,Technology and Innovation Think Tank Fourm"Held in Shanghai

  On June 16 and 17, 2017,“Pujiang Innovation Forum —— 2017 International Science,Technology and Innovation Think Tank Fourm"was held in Shanghai. The symposium was sponsored by Shanghai Institute for Science of Science, experts and scholars from first-rate S&T innovation think tanks in China and overseas gathered together and conducted all-round and in-depth discussions on the theme “Globalization of Innovation and Renovation of Urban Functions”. Over 200 experts and delegates at home and from other countries participated in this symposium.

  Shou Ziqi, general director of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Hu Zhijian, director of China Academy of Science and Technology Development Strategy Research attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches, Zhu Qigao, deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Xie Wenlan, secretary general of Working Committee of Science and Technology of Shanghai Municipality, and Bronwyn H. Hall, Professor Emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley and editor of Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, and Liu Peiying, chief editor of Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, unveiled the Handbook of the Economics of Innovation Chinese version at the launch ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided over by Luo Dajin, general director of SISS.

  High-level experts from high-end think tanks such as the State Council Development Research Center, China Academy of Science and Technology Development Strategy Research, China Association for Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and the UNESCO, OECD, Brookings Institution, the Rand Corporation, SRI International, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation, Mori Memorial Foundation, the University of Tokyo, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, expressed their opinions on topics of “characteristics and trends of innovation globalization”, “promoting innovation globalization to realize win-win”, “evolution and shaping of urban innovation functions” and “how to build global innovation hub cities”, analyzed the world scientific and technological innovation development trend from different view angles and different dimensions, discussed the question about the position and function of cities in the global innovation network, and put forth opinions and suggestions on accelerating the building of Shanghai into a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence.
  This symposium has built up a high-end dialogue platform for international scientific and technological innovation think banks, and is of important significance to pooling together the global wisdom, leading the innovation topics and serving the construction of scientific and technological innovation center.